Bullis Gala

Class Baskets

Class Baskets

One of the standout categories of auction items at our annual Gala is the Class Baskets. Each grade or class year selects a theme and creates a basket or collection of items based on that theme for auction. Your donation will greatly enhance your student(s)’ class baskets, allowing the class representatives to curate and fill them with an exciting selection of sought-after items.

Donations are considered charitable contributions and
are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Previous Bullis Gala Class Baskets have featured a variety of creative themes, such as a Beach Getaway with an Airbnb gift card and beach essentials, a Gourmet Cooking basket with cooking classes and utensils, and a Spa Retreat with hotel and spa gift certificates. Other baskets included a Sports Fanatic collection of memorabilia and tickets, and an Artistic Expression basket with art supplies and art classes, each designed to offer unique experiences for different interests.

We thank you in advance for your generous support of this year’s Gala!